Legal Practice Management

Comprehensive Legal Management Software with Workflow & Task Automation.
Enabling legal teams to manage cases, automate their work processes, and electronically sign documents.
A solution that transforms the way in-house legal teams operate, simplifies work processes and tracks progress. It offers an all in one solution that replaces all isolated tools
Everything Legal teams need to manage and automate cases, clients, matters, tasks, time billing, documents and much more
Case & Matter Management
Add stakeholders, assign tasks, collaborate, manage related documents, and set deadlines.
Client Intake & CRM
Centralize all client data, leads, partners, and all collaborators or concerned parties.

Task & Workflow Automation
Configure every aspect of the software to streamline workflows and automate repetitive tasks.
Legal Billing & E-Invoicing
Track time and manage all transactions, create time entries and generate highly customizable invoices.
Central Secure Repository
Unlimited data storage, high-level security, and a searchable interface.
Dashboards & Custom Metrics
Generate reports & KPIs and track custom metrics on single-view dashboards.

Security First
Your data security is our top priority. We protect your data and the data of your clients with the highest-level security measures